***PLEASE NOTE*** While this is an example of A first session, it won’t be exactly the same as yours! Each session is tailored to the individual, depending on the limits we discuss. NO TW SESSIONS ARE THE SAME. It does give you a good idea of the feel for My sessions though.

I called Miss Kimberley from 5 minutes away, SHE guided me the last mile as part of HER routine to keep the location secret.
SHE left the door open and immediately to the left was a staircase she was at the top of the stairs.
What a site- SHE must have been 6 foot or more in HER heels, black stockings, suspenders and knickers, black corset blonde hair and black rimmed glasses. SHE looks pretty great on the internet but in real life honestly stunning!
Shoes off! Come up Stephen nice to meet you!
SHE led me into the dungeon, warm dark and red lights, St. Andrews cross, swing chair, all sorts of floggers and straps hanging.
SHE instructed me to sit into the chair and we went over a few things, basically putting me at ease. Telling me how SHE likes to be addressed, what to say if I want to stop Telling me also that a happy ending is available if desired!
I told her my anxiety was sky high so was unlikely but immediately felt more at ease.
I was then told to strip naked and kneel in front of the mirror while she left the room.
SHE returned I put my hands behind my back, she came in close with HER warm hands on my nipples and my cock whispering in my ear that my cock and balls belong to HER now for the next 90 minutes.
Miss Kitty who is her helper arrived and under instruction from HER also put her hands on my nipples leaned in so close almost forcing my face into Kittys chest
Miss Kimberley produced a suspender belt and put it on me. and then some seamed stockings, she rolled them up and put them on me and looped them into the belt, one by one.
SHE wants to know when I last pleasured myself.
Do you know what these keys around my neck are for? (I know!)
Depeche Mode is playing
Standing position when nothing is happening- hands behind your head!
SHE then produced some heavy metal bracelets/cuffs and put one on each wrist, and a matching metal collar, tight fitting she clicked it shut.
The ankle bracelets were too small for me so she got some leather cuffs around each ankle, I was kneeling before her.
Kiss my boots and my legs and work your way to the top of my stockings.
Am I allowed to use my hands Miss Kimberley? – Yes of course
From kneeling position I am kissing HER boot, caressing HER ankle and kissing HER leg all the way up touching the back of HER leg kissing the gap between the straps, it’s really erotic and SHE is appreciating
Another order – Kiss each loop and count them. right leg all the way round 1,2,3,4,5 – other leg – 1,2,3,4,5,6 ! I missed one, go back! Yes Miss Kimberley
ok, straddle the horse while I lock you in, ankles strapped to the horse and wrists chained together, on my elbows so I can see myself and HER in the mirror. My arse is nicely positioned for her
Time for a gag now- bit gag on tightly, metal collar around my neck. Stockings and suspenders and my tiny cock, I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed
She whispers in my ear – I want to know your darkest fantasy – you can tell me (I can’t I have a gag in my mouth) she smells incredible.
Right I will warm you up, get your bottom nice and red that way we won’t mark you.
Hit the front of the box if it gets too much (l’m gagged remember)
Light slaps with her bare hands- Thank you Miss Kimberley
More frequent, getting heavier – Thank you Miss Kimberley heavier still
Bottom is getting warmer, Time for a paddle
Light at first but soon pretty heavy, different paddle – intensity is increasing
Then the flogger comes out – I’m enjoying it tho its exhilarating
How many letters has Stephen- 6 – ok six of the best – left check, right check THWACK!-
Thank you Miss Kimberley 3.4 OOOWWWW 5 OOUUUCH!, 6 АНННННННННННН”!
Laughter pours out of both of us – SHE got my limit spot on. This is fucking brilliant and really fun. (It was only afterwards I realised Stephen has 7 letters!)
She removes the gag – we laugh more she wipes away my dribble from the gag and tells me she likes to see lots of dribble and I tell her thank you again Miss Kimberley
Ok I want you on your back, lie down on the bench
-More straps tying me very tightly to this bench which had a cage below it. I am flat on my back – straps on ankles, across my chest covering my arms I cannot move she puts a pillow under my head to make me more comfortable
Now is a good time to tell me your darkest fantasy
I tell her I like women in bondage – SHE says I must be a switch, we talk about breast bondage and handcuffs
Before I know she is standing above my head, l’m looking up at HER bottom HER longs legs going up to the suspender belt. SHE lowers herself closer to my face – HER legs are around my ears and HER crotch literally inches from my face
I am kissing HER stockinged and bare legs just below the knicker line – SHE smells incredible
Mouth closed and kiss’ – SHE lowers HER knicker covered pussy onto my face and I kiss HER with closed mouth through HER knickers as best as I could
Good Boy!
Master and Servant is on – You are the Master Miss Kimberley, I am your servant I like Depeche Mode I say- I compliment her on her taste – I told her I went to see them when I was young
SHE unstraps my ankles and puts them into the stirrups and straps them in there, am still lying on my back pretty much strapped all the way CBT is fun don’t you think?
Stockinged knee leaning into my groin
HER hands are on my balls – blindfold is put on
Kick! Unexpected! we laugh – SHE shoves a dildo in my mouth and tells me it is HER cock and I have to suck it- I try and give a blowjob to a dildo as she forcing it onto my throat causing me to gag a little -I have to guess the flavour – 3 times wrong which means a forfeit!
Time for some ANAL play
Surgical gloves are on and the lube is out, one finger, two fingers all the way to the 2nd knuckle- you’re doing really well
I’m fucking love it
Toys inserted. Meanwhile Kate Bush has replaced Depeche Mode- If only we could make a deal with God and get him to swap our places blaring out from the stereo
Blindfold off – (I just Know that something good is going to happen. Kate Bush is singing)
Electro butt plug let’s start you off low and will gradually increase it – the intensity increases it feels amazing – this is 30 she says – wave after wave she increases up to 50 and meanwhile has a hand held plug in vibrator massaging my cock
You are not allowed to come without my permission! I’m not really hard, there is a lot going on – the electro butt plug goes up to 60, fucking hell that’s intense
68 OH BOY – 72 – MERCY!
That is the end of the session finishing on a high of my limits being reached, she unties me and helps me up – we are talking about butt plug sizes, handcuffs, music – I sit on the bench and she has Kitty bring me some water.
68 is impressive for a newbie- she tells Kittie I got up to 68, I feel a bit proud, You must be an Electro SLUT! I need to find a nickname for you! You can call me Steph when Im wearing the suspenders Miss Kimberley! YES Steph I love it we laugh again 1ask her for a hug and she gives me the warmest and tightest of hugs –
SHE leaves me alone to get dressed
SHE shows me round her other rooms – Med room, Rubber room (WIP) and lounge I cannot believe how brilliant this whole experience was
We hug again and she asks me text her when I get home which I thought was very sweet
I’m on cloud 9 as I drive home
We exchange messages and it is ALL GOOD (better than good)!
All of the activities- but most of all the laughter. I wasn’t expecting to laugh as much as I did and HER laughter also was infectious
SHE was immaculate and beautiful and FUN
Were the musical choices deliberately ironic? Genius if so
I got myself into such a state of anxiety beforehand for no reason! I was off my food and prostate flare up urinating way too frequently, stressing about the car, my anal cleansing routine, whether I was going to need the toilet in the middle of the session, do something that pisses HER off etc etc
FUCK OFF Anxiety
Don’t Fight it Feel it
Miss Kimberley is the BOMB!
Next session already booked!