First things first

Take the time to read My FAQ’s. Seriously, it annoys the hell out of Me if there is information on My website and you ask Me questions you could find with a click of a mouse.


if you want to read about a submissive’s first experience with a Domme, read through this:

I am happy to see people of any gender and you must be 20+ years old. 


Tribute is £200 per hour and tribute is expected in full when a booking is made.

If you would like to be considered for a session with Miss Kimberley, please complete this form in full.

From there we will arrange a telephone call and then book a mutually convenient time to book a session.

It's not a trick question!
I'll need a safe email address I can contact you by
I WILL NOT call you unexpectedly, but I will send you a text to proceed with the booking process.
Please note. TEXT's are FAR MORE RELIABLE. Where possible, please include this as an option to contact you.
Please note I do NOT accept Taxis at the dungeon. You must be able to drive and have a car. Seriously, if you can't drive and don't have a car, don't go any further.
I've been let down many times in the past and now only accept those who pay in full for their first session. IF you need to move your appointment and give Me some notice, I will happily do so.
Please tick anything that applies to you, don't worry, we'll discuss your session in full before booking, this just gives me a good indication of where your interests lie.
Please list any previous BDSM experience you. The more information the better. If you're completely new, just put 'newbie'
List ANY medical conditions you have, along with any medications you may have... Do you have problems with kneeling?

13 thoughts to “Booking a session with Miss Kimberley

  • Tina-smiles

    I don’t normally make comments or reviews, but i visited Miss Kimberley’ two weeks ago and I know feel compelled to comment . I had a first time/newbie session! and nearly cancelled ‘ luckily I did not .
    I was nervous’ that evaporated daily soon and was made most welcome .
    Miss Kimberley is without a doubt physically very attractive’ that isn’t the main event though.
    Miss Kimberley made a tweet today’ referencing’ something like what makes good dominant and they were my thoughts as I left her presence .
    I felt very safe and instantly trusted her ‘ I could feel the respect she offered me and it made me want to please her all the more !
    So I had the best session! I dearly wished I had met her so long ago, I still feel that flow and so happy! I am so pleased and happy I have been allowed to session with
    Miss Kimberley again’ a truly fantastic and so special Dominant .
    Thank you Miss Kimberley.
    Wanna be ‘ sissy/slut
    Tina -smiles

    • Tina-smiles

      Although I meant every word that I said ‘ I obviously didn’t mean them to be spelt so poorly! Guess the grammar “ should have been better too “ . I Could blame the fact that I was transitioning between spectacles, but apologies are required’ as I was probably just rushing and not taking care ! Sorry Miss Kimberley and anyone else that reads the previous message! Heartfelt and meant every word, but shoddy’ on Tina’s part ! Tina-smiles x

  • Tina

    Happily I have had a second session with Miss Kimberley, I am so grateful I was allowed another visit with such a beautiful and intriguing’ Dominatrix’ who has allowed me to call “ Mistress. So clever and artful in her role , I can only thank her for giving me the time to learn how best to behave. I have so much to learn in how best to be a truly good ‘ sissy/slut and so want to please Miss Kimberley’ learning and being pushed by her. I was shocked “ but so happily so , thank you “ Miss Kimberley.
    Yours, Tina-smiles!

  • Tina

    I’m so happy and excited’ I will see the most beautiful woman , Wednesday!
    I so hope I’m a good enough slut for the best Mistress! Hugs

  • Tina

    Woo’hoo ! Oops on a serious note I shall be having a session with the most wonderful Woman ! This Monday ‘ I’m so excited as I have waited my whole life to meet someone so fabulous’ actually kind thoughtful and oh so glamorous and perfectly kinky!
    Always so happy. Hopeful Tina !

  • Tina

    Oh my my ! I had my 4th session with Miss Kimberley” the Miss Kimberley “
    A totally amazing 2 hours fun’ mysterious and forceful. Totally loved every moment of my time spent with the most amazing Woman and Domme ! A totally unforgettable experience’ to which I’m so grateful for and hope I can continue to enjoy and please her . Thank you ‘ your slut ‘ Tina xxxx

  • Tina smiles

    I’m smiling and shall for a very long time . My 5 th visit to Miss Kimberley!
    I’m so happy! Very happy!
    Thank you Miss !
    Tina Smiles . She does !

  • Tina

    My sixth session with Miss Kimberley! But who’s counting anymore.
    I have so much to learn and dearly want to “ so much ! Each visit I feel a bigger bond , so much in fact I asked Mistress to be my “ Key Holder’ and am in permanent chastity!
    I’m so glad this has happened to me and that is Miss Kimberley that hold the key and all of me . I’m so very grateful Miss , undoubtedly I will make mistakes’ although I will always try to be the best that I can for you .
    One last thing ! Tina is definitely smiling 😊

  • Tina

    I am humbled and so very grateful! I shall always be !
    Tina smiles xxxx

  • Tina-Smiles

    Four hours of serious fun and pleasure! With that definite note of control.
    I will always aim to please my Mistress!
    Thank you always.
    Tina smiles xxxx

  • Tina

    My latest encounter and joyous visit with “ Miss Kimberley’” was just before the eve” of Halloween! A wonderful period of time spent with a unique and wondrous “ Domme” but more than that , this beautiful person cares and helps you accomplish your dreams in a most special way ! Mistress’ a deep gratitude for what you give “ you give Tina an everlasting Smile , thank you doesn’t accomplish my thoughts “ none the less “ always grateful and smiling xxxx

  • Tinasmiles

    Back again to see Miss Kimberley! Marking three years of visiting an absolutely amazing Dominant woman !
    Three hours of rubber fun and kinky shananigans, taking me places I’ve always wanted to go. Exploring with best of people, you always make me happy “ Miss Kimberley “ you just know all the best things for me . A just wonderful spanking too . Yes always grateful. Thank you for holding my hand XXXX

  • Smothered

    Sounds incredible!


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